Primary School

Grades 1. - 6.

Budova základní školy Montessori Mozaika při pohledu z venku
About the school

We help children to discover the world and to think about it with their own heads.


Children themselves contribute to significantly to the functioning of the classroom. They actively take responsibility for their relationships, the garden and all the tools at their disposal.

Understanding the world

They use the extraordinary skills they posses at this stage of development and learn the foundations they will need for higher education, in everyday life and at work.

Values and attitudes

They learn in a context that honours the work of our ancestors, as well as the strength and intelligence of nature.

Cooperation and communication

They learn to communicate with people outside the family and outside school. They are actively interested in the problems around them and are looking for solutions.

Sophisticated materials

At work, children use sophisticated materials to understand gradually and in depth the curriculum being studied.

Mixed age groups

Children work together in mixed age groups from grade 1 to 6. Each child is unique, developing their strengths, helping others and learning things from others that would be difficult to understand without help.

Czech and English speaking teachers

There are two Czech-speaking and one English-speaking teacher working with children. There is therefore enough support for everyone, as well as for the natural development of their English.
Additionaly there are other adults e.g. native speakers, teaching assistant and others.

Work-concentration space

Children are not restricted by artificial breaks. They work in the morning and afternoon work cycle and take a short pause when they need it. This will enable them to concentrate on projects and give them time to run outside before lunch.

Progress report

How are children assessed?

Description of progress
We focus on what children have managed and what they need to overcome in order to develop further. They write in their diaries in which they learn how to document their progress. Teachers also record how children learn and what they learn.
Immediate feedback
Throughout the day, children receive feedback from other children and teachers. Working with Montessori materials children find a mistake themselves, or learn from a classmates in the group and find solutions together.
Joint consultations
Teachers know what the child is familiar with and what they have already achieved. You can consult teachers on the progress of your child on an ongoing basis and in autumn and spring during joint consultations. Children gradually learn how to express what they already know and how to plan future learning.
Presentation of results
The children themselves present their work to parents and other interested visitors during the evening for both parents and the public, as well as during joint morning meetings with their parents at the beginning of the school year and during the handing over of their school reports inafter the first term.
School reports
The first and final reports in words describe what the child has achieved.

Are you interested in what Montessori actually means?
Find out more about the entire methodology.

More on montessori
What parents appreciate

We appreciate complementary activities that are not usually part of schooling, e.g. Feuerstein method. Also the presence of an English-speaking teacher and trips abroad.

Marcela R.
Regular programme

Daytime schedule

Arrival to school

Children interact with adults, play the piano, choose their work...


We can find out about the activities that children enjoy, and in almost all weather we can go to the garden or even to the forest. For learning we use the classroom, terrace, garden, meadow and forest.

Children go home

At 15.30 children leave school, the school is generally locked at 16.00 hours, after nursery has finished for the day.

Some children stay after school for extracuricural activities organised by the school.
Children leave extracuricular activities.

In the event that the extracuricular activities ends later, the dinner will also be part of the acitivity.

How children learn

We guide children to learn within a wider context

We transfer knowledge to children in a way that enables them to think about it and make real use of it.

School canteen

In Mozaika the food tastes great

We prepare food in our own kitchen and children are actively involved in the preparation of food and the serving of food.

Find out more about the canteen
Tuition fees 2024/2025

17 500 CZK per month

The one-off annual fee for school equipment is CZK 4 400.
Lunches and snacks are not included in the cost of tuition fees.
Siblings or children living in the same household who pay lower school fees, are entitled to a discount of 10 %.

When does the enrollment take place?

Enrollment for another school year take place during April.

more about enrollment →

Come visit us

Classroom observations

During the year, there are some days open for the parents to observe the classroom during the morning. You can also visit the evening events for parents and the public. You can find specific terms on the ‘What's new’ page.

Parents evenings

In the autumn and spring, evenings are held for parents and the public about how we teach at primary school and in a group of adolescents. During the autumn Montessori Primary School meeting, you will find out about how students work. In the autumn there is also the evening on How adolescents live in Mozaika. You can experience Montessori first hand in spring. During the meeting you can ask teachers, other parents and sometimes children and adolescents questions. This gives you a great opportunity to clarify whether you want your child to be educated in Mozaika.
You can find specific terms on the ‘What's new’ page.  

Visits of pedagogy students and teachers

Come for an observation or teaching practice and if you want to find out more, please contac our head of Primary Pavlína Čížková at to agree on the details.