Programme for adolescents

Grades 7.-9.

Skupina studentů základní školy Montessori Mozaika debatuje u velkého stolu

Helping teens step out into the world.

From Monday to Thursday they live at school

Teens arrive on Monday mornings, most of them go home after lunch on Thursday, and come back to school for Friday classes. They have Thursday and Friday afternoons free for after-school activities and the like.

They build their own community

The teenagers spend the afternoon and evening together in Mozaika. They look after themselves: cooking washing, cleaning, planning, gardening and looking after the animals.

Students learn from experts

Their teachers have their own area of speciality. The teenagers also work with other adults in the school, i.e. the cooks, the houskeeper or the office coordinator. We also invite external experts.

Native speakers

Native speakers are involved in the teaching of English.

montessori method

We use the Montessori method in our teaching, which capitalizes on teens' natural interest in the growing up and mastering difficult tasks.


Teens tend the school garden pond and spend a lot of time moving around outside.

AMI education

Our teachers have AMI Internetional Association training, which allows us to understand and respond to the needs of teens.


How are teens evaluated?

Descriptive feedback
We give teens descriptive feedback and from Year 7 onwards they also recieve grades.
For a range of activities, teens can see for themselves wheter tey are doing well or not. For practical work this is easy. If they understand plants and animals, they can take better care of them. If they understand how to work with different materials, they can repair an aluminium boat. If they can calculate the materials needed to build raised garden beds they order the right amount of wood. If they know how to work with excel, they can calculate the result of their economic acitivity faster.

Academic work is not always linked to practical skills, but even in purely academic subjects, practical experience gives them a better idea of the real-world application of the knolidge they are gaining. Adolescents not only learn to acquire knoledge, they also learn to work together in groups and to present the results of their work appropriately. They systematically learn what an engaiging presentation looks like, gaining experience even in front of a large or foreign audience.

Wandering what Montessori actually means?
Zjistěte více o celé metodice.

more about montessori
Life confidence built on a solid foundation

"Success in life depends on a self-confidence born of a true knowledge of one’s own capacities, combined with the many-sided powers of adaptation. ..."

Maria Montessori
Adolescents live and farm together

Weekly schedule

arrival at mozaika

On Fridays, teens arrive at Mozaika by 8am. We start the group meeting later so that those who commute from frar away can make it. Teachers are available for consultation before the meeting

Mon 8:00am
Thurs 1.30pm
stay in mozaika

They alternate between hands-on activities and learning academic skills so that one activity gives them a break from the other, while one activity gives them a better understanding of the other. On these days, some manage to go away in the afternoon for, say, after-school activities and come back again.

departure from the mozaika

The teens leave for home.

arrival at mozaika

On Fridays, teens arrive at Mozaika by 8am, however, if they live further away, we can wait until 9am.

home time

On Friday we all finish after lunch and go home.

Times may vary slightly from year to year depending on the current school schedule and bus time table.

School canteen

Mozaika is also tasty for teenagers

We cook in out kitchen, the teens are actively involved in preparing the menu and serve the food themselves.

Více o jídelně
Tuition 22/23

15 770 CZK per month

One-off annual allowance for utilities – 3 500 CZK
Lunches and snacks are not included in the tuition fee. Siblings or children living in the same household with lower tuition fees are entiteled to a 10% discount. Further information can be found here.

Come and visit us

Visits to join the meeting
every Friday

By appointment, is possible to come to the weekly Friday joint meeting of teens and their teachers. We discuss what is going well and what needs to be improved, and address current issues together.

An annual evenings for parents and the general public

At least once a year we hold an evening for parents and the general public. During the evening, you can experience first-hand the ways in which teenagers work.

Please see the What's new page for specific dates.

Visits by education students and teachers

If you would like to spend more time with us as a student or teacher, please contact Lucie Brattoli directly.