Wandering what Montessori actually means?
Zjistěte více o celé metodice.
"Success in life depends on a self-confidence born of a true knowledge of one’s own capacities, combined with the many-sided powers of adaptation. ..."
On Fridays, teens arrive at Mozaika by 8am. We start the group meeting later so that those who commute from frar away can make it. Teachers are available for consultation before the meeting
They alternate between hands-on activities and learning academic skills so that one activity gives them a break from the other, while one activity gives them a better understanding of the other. On these days, some manage to go away in the afternoon for, say, after-school activities and come back again.
The teens leave for home.
On Fridays, teens arrive at Mozaika by 8am, however, if they live further away, we can wait until 9am.
On Friday we all finish after lunch and go home.
Times may vary slightly from year to year depending on the current school schedule and bus time table.
We cook in out kitchen, the teens are actively involved in preparing the menu and serve the food themselves.
Více o jídelněOne-off annual allowance for utilities – 3 500 CZK
Lunches and snacks are not included in the tuition fee. Siblings or children living in the same household with lower tuition fees are entiteled to a 10% discount. Further information can be found here.